The Best Ever Cadbury Magic Cookie Bars

Soft and gooey, these are the best magic cookie bars ever! Made with those dreamy Cadbury eggs, with the crunchy outer shell and perfect, melt in your mouth chocolate, shredded coconut, butterscotch chips, and even those Cadbury filled caramel eggs. These bars are perfectly crafted with the right amount of sweetness balanced out with an incredible nutty flavor combination. The true secret superhero in these bars is the Cadbury eggs melted into the sweetened condensed milk. They are incredibly soft, sweet, and delicious. And with just under an hour of time put in, you’ll savor every last bite.

The caramel from the Cadbury eggs melts into a perfect bite of sweetness.

Every year on my birthday, my sweet and kind mother-in-law always asks me what I want for my birthday. And every year I request her magic cookie bars. They are sweet and delicious without being too over the top in decadence. Just how I like my desserts. And yes, I would rather eat a cookie bar on my birthday than cake, but it’s my life and I can do what I want, okayyyyy? Plus, these bars are to die for, and I could eat about 100 of them and feel zero guilt!

For these bars I took the classic magic cookie idea and brought it to the next level. Let’s all agree that the best Easter candy ever is Cadbury eggs. They are made with actual chocolate and have the perfect contrast of crunch and sweet chocolate softness. Which is exactly why I added them to these cookie bars. The candy coated shell adds a nice crunch to these otherwise incredibly soft bars. And the caramel filled eggs. Don’t even get me started on how unbelievable they are! They melt perfectly, and add an ooey gooey core that will leave you wanting more!

These bars are the perfect addition to any spring event you may have. And if I could give you one suggestion, stock up on the Cadbury eggs! Because I promise you this, once you taste the incredible flavor burst in your mouth of coconut and chocolate, caramel eggs, you’ll never be able to go back to the original. They’ll leave you wanting more long after the last bar is gone. You’ll thank me later for the suggestion!

Every bite is a burst of flavor in your mouth that will leave you only wanting more

What You’ll Need For These bars:

You’re not a cheap wine type of gal. Because every time you go down that route, you wake up the next morning with instant regret. Don’t be the “cheap wine” baking girl, splurge on those quality ingredients. Trust me, they really make a difference.

  • Unsalted Butter: This really is such a key ingredient! You want to control how much salt goes into any recipe. And when you use salted butter, you give up all control!

  • Graham Crackers: I like to crush these in the blender. It saves my arms energy and time. And with 4 kids even two extra minutes count! Please note, the 2 cups of graham crackers are AFTER being crushed. Measure accordingly.

  • Sweetened Condensed Milk: I’m pretty sure my grandma told me she fed her kids this kind of milk at a few weeks old. Please don’t do that. Instead, use it in these bars for an incredible creaminess.

  • Butterscotch Chips: I liked the nutty flavor these added to the bars. If you aren’t a fan, add something else. These bars are so versatile!

  • Cadbury Eggs: In this case, YOU MUST absolutely buy the real deal. Don’t buy some cheap knock off. You need and want the good stuff here!

  • Cadbury Caramel Filled Eggs: See above note and trust me on this!

  • Coconut: I prefer to buy unsweetened and natural coconut. For one, it actually tastes real. And also, it tones down the sweetness but adds that incredible coconut taste we all are obsessed with.

  • Chopped Pecans: I like to buy them pre-chopped. Why put effort in if I don’t have to? Lazy? Possibly. Do I care? Absolutely not.

The Best Ever Cadbury Magic Cookie Bars

The Best Ever Cadbury Magic Cookie Bars

( 0 reviews )
Author: Kate Matott
This fabulous cookie bar gets brought to the next level with the incorporation of Cadbury eggs and Cadbury Caramel eggs.


  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 2 cups crushed graham crackers
  • 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 cup butterscotch chips
  • 1/2 cup Cadbury eggs
  • 6 chopped Cadbury caramel filled eggs
  • 1 cup flaked coconut
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans


  1. Preheat oven to 350° F. Spray 13x9 inch baking pan with non-stick cooking spray
  2. Combine graham cracker crumbs and butter until thoroughly mixed. Pour into pan and press down with back of measuring cup.
  3. Pour sweetened condensed milk evenly over crumb mixture.
  4. Pour butterscotch chips, Cadbury eggs, and Cadbury caramel filled eggs into mixture.
  5. Add the coconut and chopped pecans and press down into the mixture with back of measuring cup.
  6. Bake for 28 minutes, or until lightly browned. Cool completely before cutting the bars. Store in an airtight container for several days.
bars, cadbury, coconut, cookies
dessert, bars, easter
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