Browned Butter Banana Bread

This browned butter banana bread is just wow. Is it too much to say it’s to die for? I think not. It really is that good! By browning the butter you create this nutty, full flavor to your banana bread. It’s like nothing you’ve tried before. I made it this morning and have gone back for 3 slices since then. Am I going to have another slice tonight? Yeah, I think I will. Because life is short and this banana bread warms your heart and puts a smile on your face. And don’t you dare forget to add a nice big slab of butter to it. Are you drooling yet?

Browned Butter enhances this bread to another level

This banana bread is the easiest thing you’ll make all week, with no fuss at all. It takes around 10 minutes to put together and then you just place it in the oven. It’s THAT easy! And I’ll let you in on a little secret, your house is going to smell INCREDIBLE! I went out to run errands after baking the bread and putting it away and hours later my house still smelled heavenly.

The combination of browned butter and brown sugar takes the banana bread to a place you never knew banana bead could go! It’s sweet and nutty and full of complex flavors. I can promise you that if you take this to your next event, it’s going to be all the rage! There will be none leftover, but that’s okay because then you can just go home and make it again for yourself!

The crunch of the Reese’s puffs sets this cookie apart

What You’ll Need For This Banana Bread:

You’re not a cheap wine type of gal. Because every time you go down that route, you wake up the next morning with instant regret. Don’t be the “cheap wine” cookie girl, splurge on those quality ingredients. Trust me, they really make a difference.

  • Ripe Bananas: The perfect bananas for this recipe are brown. Not black, not yellow, definitely not green, but brown.

  • Brown Sugar: I like to use brown sugar for this recipe. It keeps the bread soft and chewy. Light brown sugar preferred.

  • Eggs: Do yourself a favor and buy those organic eggs, friend.

  • Vanilla: Everyone loves to hate on clear vanilla, but I’m going to be honest, I love it! It’s cheap and incredibly flavorful!

  • Browned Butter: The key to this is low and slow. You’’ begin to smell the incredible aroma as the butter begins to brown. It will bubble and as the bubbles subside you’ll see little brown flecks in the liquid butter. That’s when it’s done!

  • All Purpose Flour: My favorite brand is King Arthur. And it really does make a difference to buy the more expensive one. It’s better quality, which results in a better bread!

  • Baking Soda: Buy a small box and make sure it’s fresh!

  • Salt: Baked Foods NEED salt. Otherwise they’re obnoxiously sweet. The salt enhances the flavor. Just trust me, okay?

  • Cinnamon: the cinnamon truly compliments the nutty browned butter and sweetness of the bananas.

Browned Butter Banana Bread

Browned Butter Banana Bread

( 0 reviews )
Yield: 1 Loaf
Author: Kate Matott


  • 4 ripe bananas, mashed
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 cup browned butter
  • 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • caster sugar (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 325° Fahrenheit. Grease a loaf pan for bread.
  2. Mash bananas in a bowl and set aside.
  3. Brown butter in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Keep your eye on it and make sure it does not burn! When you begin to see small flakes form from the butter, you have browned the butter. Remove from heat.
  4. Combine bananas, brown sugar, egg, vanilla and browned butter in a mixer. Mix on medium until just combined.
  5. Add flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon to wet mixture. Mix on low until just combined.
  6. Pour batter into loaf pan and sprinkle caster sugar on top.
  7. Bake for 1 hour. Let cool for 5 minutes before taking out of loaf pan. Enjoy!
banana, bread, browned, butter
dessert, bread
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